As the New YEAR sets in, I start thinking about 365 days of new possibilities and how I can make this year different from 2022.
So I sat down to write the to-do lists, highlight the goals and set the resolutions telling myself this is the year to make it happen. And you know what happens?
10 days into the new year, I’m back where I started.
Goals and resolutions are forgotten. I am falling back into familiar habits and patterns.
Sounds familiar …..I know right!
So this year, I want to encourage everyone to pause and reflect before the panic sets in. To take a few deep breaths. Take it slow. One breath today, two tomorrow.

There may be a lot of things you want to change about your relationships, your parenting, and yourself.
Great!Instead of trying to do a complete overhaul, pause. Think:
- What is that one small step you can take to move your thought process in a positive direction when it comes to your relationship with your kids, family & friends?
- What is that one small action you can do today to make tomorrow go smoother?
- What is that small shift in your body language to show your family, friends, and people who matter, love, and empathy?
Once this step becomes a pattern, you can build on it! It’s OK if the change takes time. Give yourself lots of grace, compassion, and kindness as you work on these skills.

It’s OK if this style of parenting or relationship management still feels a bit foreign. It takes time to learn a new way of interacting with ourselves, our kids, spouses, and friends especially if that way wasn’t modeled for us when we were younger.
Look for small wins, small steps in a positive direction, and times when you turned it around or tried something new.
Every other Thursday, I will be sharing my experiences through my blog with a quick relationship/parenting tip. My goal is to help you develop calm confidence, set boundaries with kindness and firmness, and prioritize relationships over consequences.
As always, do share your thoughts and let me know what’s going on in your parenting world right now so we all can learn something more.
Try not to raise your voice
yes, that’s one of the critical points!!